Thursday, September 26, 2013


The faculty/staff spent time choosing titles of our four academies and settled on the Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), the Academy of Commerce and Industry, the Academy of Health and Human Services, and the Academy of the Humanities. Two of the four Career Exploration classes have already done research in STEM and the other two will be completing their research in that Career Cluster next week. The question I pose is why do you think STEM is the only academy that shares a name with one of the 16 Career Clusters? We don't have an academy named Transportation, Distribution and Logistics. Why do you suppose STEM is the one Career Cluster that matches exactly with one of PCHS's Academies?

Friday, September 20, 2013


As students finish research in their fifth career cluster, I wonder if they are beginning to make connections. I would like for them to explain a connection they have made between the cluster they researched this week and one they researched before now. Their repsonses should be interesting.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Welcome to Career Exploration

This will be a place to reflect on our new class at PCHS.  Career Exploration will no doubt be an asset for our students as they begin to plan their high school, training, college, and/or work experience.  My hope is to record my thoughts about students and their work and my dreams and hopes for the course.  And so it begins!